Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Time and time again, I've heard that I live in my own little world. Only recently have I noticed that it may be true. I believe it's one of my many defense mechanisms. Thus, I can create and live in my own happiness. A world in which cupcakes are for breakfast, speed limits are void, money is spent like there is no tomorrow, things can be said out of order and context, and everyone is allowed to ignore all responsibilities and reprecussions.

But that world, that is created solely by me, for me, I am suddenly feeling quite lost in.

My life is falling apart. School is no longer entertaining. Work is mundane. My computers are dead. My love life is shot. My bank account is low.

And luck is running out.

I need another life-altering moment. The Lightbulb. The Great Epiphany. The Moment that brings the monotonous into a new light, a new viewpoint. The One that brings the tremendous swelling of your chest, full of new life and hope.

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