Friday, March 28, 2008

I HATE the P.M.

'...The Predictable Male is a common species. He grows in every neuk and corner of our globe and tends to dress with little imagination and / or individual personality. His hair will be unadventurous and he may very well have had the same hairstyle since he was a boy at school, without any deviation from the "short-ish at the back and sides and a little bit messy on the top but not TOO messy" style that's served him so boringly well over the years. You will tend to find this species talking at length about things that are incredibly, well... predictable. Examples in this case are futile. You will simply know you are dealing with The Predictable Male when you find yoursef predictably predicting his topics of conversation and your Bland Alarm begins ringing in the back of your skull. The most common topics, however, are usually cars or money or debt or clubs / bars etc. You may come across the odd 'maverick' Predictable Male - he may say things like "You know, I feel like just ditching it all and moving to Thailand, you know?". This is a device used to give the female the impression that he has a softer, more worldly, less corporate, more 'hip' side to him and isn't just one of these 'boring guys'. Much like a virus mutates, so does the P.M...'

Quotation from 'The Predictable Male', by Hugh Janus.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Move over boys...

I'm in love.

I've decided its about time that I get back to writing. After losing my first novel to tragic & debilitating computer complications, I'm in need of something more tangible.

Get me one and I'll make sweet, hot, dirty, love-you-long-time love to you.